Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Looking for a New Name

Friends, for a long time I've been searching for a new name for this blog. The title "Everyday Revolutionary" was originally a play on the phrase "Ordinary Radical," which was coined by leaders of the Christian movement fronted by people like Shane Claiborne and Jonathan Wilson Hartgrove. I still identify as a neo-monastic (though Alyssa and I have been without a solid community for far too long), but no longer feel the fan-boy giddiness I once felt in being intentionally provocative and stand-offish toward the Church. I still have my misgivings about unnecessary hierarchy and bureaucratic BS, but I'd like to think that I've become a little slower to criticize and more intentional about listening and understanding than I once was. Probably comes from living my whole life in a glass house.

While I still like the title of this blog, I nonetheless feel that it no longer accurately describes who I am as a person and as a Christian. I'm a lot more Everyday and a lot less Revolutionary these days. Additionally, the academic in me suspiciously eyes the title as an oblique form of copyright infringement, since several published works (and a few films) have used the term "Ordinary Radical," and I am unsure of how exclusive the rights to that phrase may be. I know I'm splitting hairs here, but it's still a minor concern.

My faith is broader (and, I hope, deeper) than it was when I began this blogging journey, and I'm looking for a new name to help describe who I am and what I do as a blogger. Something that incorporates my passion for New Testament biblical studies, literary interpretation, history, theology (particularly Mennonite/Anabaptist), and music would be nice. Here are a few of my favorite titles from the blogs I follow:

Now comes the fun part. I'd like you to help me rename my blog. If you have a suggestion, you can comment below, email it to me by clicking this link, or contact me on Twitter @EverydayRev. Your suggestions can be as serious or as off-the-wall as you'd like. Hopefully sometime in the next few weeks we can find a name that better suits this blog, and if your suggestion is chosen, who knows—you may even win a prize!

Much peace and love to you,


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