Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. I've been really friggin' busy, to say the least. I really can't wait for the semester to end--I have far better things to worry about than Human Biology, or "World Food and Society."
In other news, Alyssa and I recently purchased an audiobook copy of Jonathan Safran Foer's Eating Animals. We're planning on going vegetarian after the first of the year, and I really hope that this book will strengthen our resolve to do so. When I was very young, my mom's best friend Emily decided to become a vegan, giving up all animal products and bi-products. Even honey was out. She made this decision after becoming aware of the condition of factory farming and mass meat production in the U.S. In many cases, the treatment of the animals that eventually become our food has surpassed in hideousness the grisly depictions of most horror flicks. And it happens, day-in and day-out, on our watch.
Don't get me wrong, I like meat as much as the next person. But I'm hoping that Foer's book will serve to give us pause, and inspire us to make more conscientious decisions when purchasing our food; anthropocentrism has caused us as a species to disregard the well-being of the rest of God's creation, opting instead to focus on how to make the shekel great. This problem in itself expresses the need--all creation is groaning with labor pains--for not only social justice, but environmental justice, as well.
And that's all I have to say about THAT. *dusts hands off, steps down from soap box*
On a more jovial note, tonight was also the Baptist Student Center's third annual Halloween party.
I went as "The Son of Man," from Rene Magritte's painting of the same name.
Alyssa went as Sookie Stackhouse from True Blood.
We carved pumpkins. This one's mine:
And we polished off the evening with George Romero's 1968 zombie flick, Night of the Living Dead. By the way, this incredibly creepy film is in the public domain, and is available to watch on youtube:
Aaaand that's all for tonight. I'm dog-tired, and have lots and lots to do tomorrow.
Rather than go vegetarian, Trinity and I have sought out a sustainable alternative to conventionally produced meat. For about three years now we have been members of a meat CSA. The Parkers farm in Richmond, MO, about an hour east of KC, and we take turns with other CSA members to pick up meat shares from the farm and bring to KC. We get to enjoy meat that we can feel good about (we've seen the farm with our own eyes) while supporting a small local business. More about the CSA here:
Rather than go vegetarian, Trinity and I have sought out a sustainable alternative to conventionally produced meat. For about three years now we have been members of a meat CSA. The Parkers farm in Richmond, MO, about an hour east of KC, and we take turns with other CSA members to pick up meat shares from the farm and bring to KC. We get to enjoy meat that we can feel good about (we've seen the farm with our own eyes) while supporting a small local business. More about the CSA here: